Friday, 19 July 2013

Don't Hold Your Breath Over Stress

I used to walk through my entire life feeling like I was holding my breath. I didn't seem to breathe the same way I observed others doing it. Now, I didn't immediately freak out and start wondering if I was a mermaid hybrid (looked into it later though, pretty certain I'm not) - instead, after I became 'aware' of this happening, I explored what was going on.

I didn't seek out a counsellor (for this) and I didn't phone a friend. I stopped worrying about it and started being honest with myself. There was something going on, but I couldn't make the connection.....yet.

Once I did, and I acknowledged that I always seemed to be waiting for 'the other shoe to drop in my life' or was subconsciously worrying about who people thought I was versus who I really life opened up in ways I never imagined (but I should have)!

I had to change the stressful way I was thinking. The easiest way for me was distraction, music and visualization.

I secretly imagined my own life 'movie' playing in my head, played my 'life soundtrack' to myself and created a life for myself that I had only daydreamed before. I'm screaming cheesy 80's tunes in my head at the grocery store and playing out hilariously fun scenarios while people watching waiting for an appointment. I said 'yes' to more fun and less stress and life improved.

I had to take a serious look at what I wanted for myself. I suppose some people call it 'growing up' - I'm not sure I grew up - but I'm certain that gaining awareness, experience and a more broad outlook at my role in the universe had something to do with it. I've seen 80 year olds who don't seem to get it, and I've seen 11 year old cancer patients who do seem to get it. This tells me that it isn't the age of any of us, but the experiences and awareness we gain. I'm still trying to figure out what 'it' is myself, but with the help of many others, I'll make it after all (a little Mary Tyler Moore reference for all you fans).

I find it so interesting that there were also many small details that changed the course of the path in front of me. Without them, things again would have been different. I was at a doctor's office years ago and I looked down to see an article in a magazine. It looked like someone had just folded it to that page and left it there just for me. I (of course) picked it up and started reading it.

At the time I was a Youth Care Worker - and although I hadn't physically acknowledged my stress, I was riddled with it. The article in the magazine was about determining levels if you were a sufferer. According to the magazine, if you sit in a relaxed state, the position of your tongue is critical to determine your stress. I was intrigued!

If we sit in a relaxed position, our tongue should be resting flat on the floor of our mouth. Immediately I checked tongue position - it was slammed against the roof of my mouth, seemingly the opposite of what it should have been. The article went on to say that tense tongues mean tense folks. I couldn't argue about that.

After that day, I was always aware of my stress. I sometimes giggle because I know how full of crap some magazines are - but if all it took was that for me to move forward one step and become aware of my stress and how to deal with it - great article.

Every human being on earth deals with something. It is a necessity in this obstacle course we call life. We have good things, bad things and mediocre things occurring in our lives and we are each given a choice every single time. We take a path. There are 'consequences' to those paths - every one of them.

Each path connects to the next path and the one behind it. Often, we feel confused as to what choices to make - or we create worry as to what will happen to us if things go 'off the path' due to those choices.

Did you catch that word.....'create' - to make up. Why do we tend to create negative things with our very super creative minds?? We have capabilities that go far beyond what any of us can really grasp, but we'd rather imagine horrible things happening in the parking lot at the grocery store rather than dream the positive. Humans are funny.

I have always thought of life as one of those 'Choose Your Own Adventure' books that I used to read. I am fully aware that some of the choices I made throughout my life weren't terrific (or good for me) but I made them, and took whatever consequence karma delivered - whether I wanted to or not. I understand now that my experiences (all of them, even the crappy ones others still point out to me as a wonderful remembrance of who I used to be) all created who I am now.

This is how life is. Mine used to be a tad rockier in the mind, body, spirit balance - but we move forward and learn and change.

Life happens and the ebb and flow is what makes the journey a collection of our individual experiences.

Simple reminders to ourselves help in wonderous ways (like daydreaming does!);

My intentions are positive and so is my attitude.

I don't look back on anything with regret. I may not have always felt like I had control in my life, but I always had a choice. My life was set to unfold - and it was going to - and it did - and here I am. 

This is me. The good, the bad and the ugly. I am a spiritual being....and I am having a human experience.

Thanks for being a part of it.

Namaste. Rock your day! ;)

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