Friday 20 September 2013

10 Things to Do Instead of Binging

One of the most popular posts I have ever made centered around binging.

I thought a repost was definitely in order.

I love inspirational lists. 
I used to make them myself when I was sorting out the chaos that was my life, my thoughts and my wellness.

Lists make order of things we can't seem to make order of.....for me, it is all about the visual. I just learn better that way and I feel far more centered organizing thoughts on paper.

I found this helpful list - and although I think that if you really do not want to learn the guitar, you shouldn't have to - this list is great! 

Replace the items in the list with something as appropriate. 

The list itself is only to give us an idea of the possibilities that can help curb cravings 
that lead to binge eating.

You can add or remove items from this list as you choose. It is YOUR LIST.
Heck, rewrite the whole thing - as long as you keep moving forward and feeling improvements - you'll know you're on the right track.

Rock your day!

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