So the answers were sickening to contemplate at times, but we have to remember that someone eats this stuff on a regular basis (at least I imagine they do). They might like it. I might too if I actually tried it.
OK - so the next person we bring in to this story is my friend.....let's call her Rhonda because that is her name. She has been a very good friend of mine for years - and she always reminds me of some of the most horrible yet hilarious (now) experiences of my life.
Rhonda decided to leave a comment.
My good friend Rhonda.
She posted what I call a memory trigger - a hint at the something she knew would make my stomach curdle and my brains attempt to flee from the thoughts until I found myself laughing from the entire experience.
Her ploy worked perfectly.

On to the memory.....
Here's what happened;
I worked at an amazing facility where we cared for teenage girls. Nuff said.
We had a young lady staying with us who loved to impress me - and she really did. She would draw me pictures and hang out and tell me stories and just generally want to be near me. All of this was fine. She loved using her imagination and creating elaborate stories that involved all of the staff and girls and for the most part, we all enjoyed listening to them.
She also really wanted to sit next to me at meal times.
Back then, one of my hang-ups was food touching on my plate and people who chew with their mouth open while dribbling food in places other than where it should be.
Yes, I realize how ridiculously psycho the food touching thing is NOW. We needn't get into that.

It is the other hang up that we are going to revisit. The food dribbling one.
As wonderful as this young lady was, she did the food dribble thing. I wasn't worried as she sat next to me but far enough away that I was confident she couldn't dribble anything that distance. Conversations flowed, we laughed and chatted.....
.....and then it happened. I didn't even see it coming.
There we were - all sitting around the table laughing and talking - and I wasn't paying attention when I grabbed my milk glass and chugged the entire thing down in one gluttonous gulp 'to impress the crowd.'
As I lowered the glass I saw the bottom had.........gunk in it.

That wasn't my milk glass.
I could have named this post 'The Yuckiest Thing I Have NEVER Tasted' because I'm pretty certain my body went into shock immediately to prevent my mind from acknowledging what had really just happened to me.
I don't remember the taste.
My stomach instantly started doing flips. I wouldn't let food on my own plate touch - and there I had just sucked back something that had already been chewed by someone else......and I had lived.
I still laugh about it - and Rhonda still keeps bringin it up.
Thanks, pal! I love you!
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