Monday, 7 January 2013

10 Things That Inspire

There are so many inspirational things in life that when I get asked the question, "What inspires you" - there are so many things I want to say that it gets jumbled up traveling from my brain to the 'word creation area' and finally to my mouth where my tongue has difficulty forming the words I'm not sure of yet.

Could you repeat the question please?

Inspirations. They're everywhere!

I'm in. Let's get to it....


  1. The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, esp. to do something creative: "flashes of inspiration".
  2. The quality of having been so stimulated, esp. when evident in something: "a moment of inspiration in an otherwise dull display."Inspiration gets the juices flowing. We get creative. We feel inspired by any number of things and often it isn't the getting started that is the tough task, it is the keeping going where we fall short.

10 Inspirational Things

1.> People
I love talking to people, hearing the stories they have to tell (as long as we're not dwelling on the negative) and supporting them. Seeing people go from Point A to Point B is cool too! Change is good when it works for you.

2.> The Sky
Don't ask me why I am infatuated with 'looking up' but I am! I love the shapes of the cloud formations, the variations of colors at any point of any day - the different ways the sun and moon rise and sink every day. You want inspiring - look up.

3.> Life
Have you ever given real thought to the idea of life? All life - it's everywhere. maybe I should have made this the last point on the list.....

4.> Swimming
Anytime we can be fluid and weightless it is an intense feeling. Moving through the water just feels good! If you can open your eyes and look around, even better. It makes one feel like a mermaid....and I know I'm not alone on that one.

5.> Friends
They tell it like it is and 'plant seeds' in us so that we can learn and move forward. Some just come right out and tell us what they think. Either way, we end up giving thought to what they say because of a connection we have to them (we know they would never harm us) and we actually hear them. What we do next is up to us if we are 'inspired' enough.

6.> Animals
Spending time with pets can be a wonderful way to let go of what we cling to in daily life and allow inspiration to find us! A good walk with the dog always helps. heck, even enjoying a fish tank is said to be extremely relaxing.

7.> Music
Nothing inspires like great music! From a time we are young, we experience it and music is inside each of us forever. We can't help but move our bodies sometimes. Get up and dance!

8.> Art
I truly believe that everyone is an artist in some way. We are born to create. When we aren't creating, we feel disengaged somehow - like something is missing. A project or creative outlet - every person has one or is looking for one. Art (like life) is completely open to perspective.

9.> Poetry and Other Writings
There are so many great books, poems, editorials and articles written, it too is considered an art form. We all have our favorites - those stories that got us moving and interested.....'inspired.' Interestingly, if we kept a diary when we were younger, we'd already be well on our way to our own memoirs (just a thought).

10.> YOU

Yes - YOU. 

You know the reasons why. ;)

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