Sunday, 24 March 2013

Got Warts? Natural Remedies Exist.

For the record, I have tried to locate and show a photograph of typical 'warts' - those little white rough looking bumps on our fingers people sometimes get. I'm not talking about any other kind of warts here - but I still couldn't find a photo I wanted to use. Warts are ugly. We all know what they look like - and we don't need a reminder here. Alright....moving forward....or back, however you perceive the next sentence....
When I was a kid, I developed a wart on my hand. I’m not sure how it got there, or what we did to treat it at the time – but it went away and life carried on as usual.

My next experience with warts came when my daughter got one on her thumb – we treated it with one of those chemical soaked disks and within a few days it went away. It returned a few months later, and we treated it again. We haven’t seen it since.

Since then, I have learned a couple of new and totally natural ways to treat warts that I wanted to share;

CASTOR OIL: I have seen this work! A drop of castor oil on a wart, covered with a band-aid is a miracle in action.

Someone I know had a wart on his hand for years. It wasn’t bothersome, but gone is better. He applied castor oil to his wart and covered it. A short time later (approximately one week) the wart was gone. The castor oil helped the body heal itself. That’s what natural products do. Not only that, but the man who used the castor oil to remove a wart also discovered one amazing ‘side effect’ he hadn’t counted on.

He had a ropey scar on his arm – it had been there for years. The castor oil, applied to his skin, seemed to become a systemic (throughout the entire body system) healer – the ropey scar smoothed out and almost all but disappeared. I’ll have to check on how healed up the scar is these days. Stay tuned.....

The second product that rids the body of warts is one that not many people would think about. It is usually considered a nasty annoyance in the summertime, yet we are all sitting (almost literally) on a goldmine of healing products....

DANDELION MILK: Simply pluck a dandelion from its mooring to the earth (ooOOo....that was eloquent, wasn’t it?) and split or break the stem. The white, milky inside is what you apply to your wart. Cover with a band-aid and wait for the magic to happen.

These remedies have not been tested by me, and I know there is a warning to those on blood thinners about using castor oil. Do your research – awareness is key.

Do you have another natural wart treatment you’d like to share? Please add it to the comment section – thanks!


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