Tuesday, 3 September 2013

A Conversation About Race

Olano Art
A Conversation About Race was the one hour documentary that sparked conversations around the world in 2008 about the way human beings (that's us) really think.

How did we come to believe the things we do - and are we being overly naïve when we look at the world in a cut and dried, black and white kind of way?

Did the election of Barack Obama mean the end of racism?
Do you know racism when you see it?
Is racism today the same as it was 20 years ago? 30? 40?



This film will change what you think
you know about racism!

In his groundbreaking new documentary; A Conversation About Race, filmmaker Craig Bodeker redefines the conventional wisdom on Race and Racism. A diverse group of Colorado residents are challenged for their thoughts on:
Why do white students score better than black students on standardized tests?
Why is the NBA nearly 90% black?
Have you ever been “racist?
Are whites better at anything than blacks?
Do blacks commit more crimes than whites?
Can you name a public figure who is “racist”?
Can you give an example of the racism you see in your daily life?
How do you feel about immigration from Mexico?

Americans are being slandered as 'RACISTS' more than ever before! Yet I don’t know of ANY nation that has done more for it’s “minorities” than the USA has.

There’s no other nation on Earth that has created so many “minority” millionaires, yet so many of these “minorities” still hate America for her “racism?”

We hear that “White European Culture” is overpowering and dominant. We hear that we need exclusively African American, Hispanic, and even Asian TV networks just to offset the “oppressive influences” of white culture! But have you turned on a TV lately?

Just how much “White Culture” is featured in American Broadcasting today? There’s rarely any program or ad that doesn’t feature at the least, an EVEN distribution of races or ethnic groups, even though two out of every three Americans are white! This is just one of the many “disconnects” I see in my daily life on matters of race.

A Conversation About Race is just the starting point. Watch the film, and then have your own conversation about race.
You'll be surprised at what you discover!

Once you finish the documentary and your mind is really thinking about all that you have seen - think about this.....
In a surprisingly candid new 2010 interview, Craig announced that his film; A Conversation about Race, was actually shot to be feature length, not the 60 minute piece we know today. And because of the film’s success, Craig is releasing the previously unseen footage, as a supplement to; A Conversation about Race, called;  MORE OF- A Conversation about Race.

Watch it here:


We are PEOPLE first.


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