Sunday, 1 September 2013


We are always looking to create little nibblies that taste good and are good for us. The fast 'go to' treats that don't take thirty eight steps to create before you must wait for the end result until the next day.

Don't get me wrong, we love those recipes too - but sometimes when you feel nibbly, a handful of almonds, raisins or cashews plain and simply work great. There are those times when we want to create something that is fun and tastes good.

We make chocolate bark with Goji berries in it - never lasts long and tastes so incredible!

So on this particular afternoon, we were looking for a delicious summer treat that involved chocolate. We scoured the cabinets in the kitchen for inspiration - we came across a few ingredients that sparked a few creative ideas in us.

We got to work immediately!

We got a small saucepan and put in 2 tablespoons of honey. To this we added 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. This is the base of our chocolate - but there is still another ingredient to add - the raw cacao! One tidbit I am always sure to pass along is the one I learned about cacao. A nice warm (or hot) cup of cacao a day is enough to prevent migraines - and I used to have them like crazy!

I started drinking a warm cup of cacao with honey every night before bed and I haven't had a headache let alone a migraine since. It's the magnesium and it works for me.

So - back to the treats......(ok, ok, I'll recap and make it look like a REAL recipe....)


In saucepan:

2 tablespoons of honey
3 tablespoons of coconut oil
*add raw cacao powder 1 tablespoon at a time while stirring until it is the consistency of chocolate.

NOTE: The heat should be very low (minimum) to ensure the chocolate doesn't get too hot. You'll be able to tell if this happens because the texture become like coffee grounds. Not exactly what we're looking for.

Once this was done, we took tart tins and used them as the forms. We also use silicone ice cube trays shaped like hearts to make our forms.

When it comes to what to add to the chocolate - it's all up to personal taste and choice.

We put a half teaspoon of chocolate into the tart tin and then squished it down with a banana slice.

Next, we poured enough chocolate just to cover the banana slice and run down the sides of the tin (if there was room).

Here's where it gets fun.....

We found raisins, peanuts, goji berries and some raspberries. Each one was different - and each one was certain to be delicious!

We topped one with a few peanuts and then poured on another half teaspoon of the chocolate mix. Another got a small amount of fresh raspberries with more chocolate on top....and when we were done....

...........into the freezer they went!

It didn't take long for the fruits (and nuts) of our labor were ready for nibbling!

Chocolate dream bites is what we have dubbed these little lovelies - and they won't last long.

The photo on the left is the first one we tried. We had to giggle - we were anxious and excited to test our new creations - and when we pulled the first one out of the freezer......we found 'he' was smiling too.

We couldn't believe it - it actually looked like the little dream bite was smiling. Our daughter loved it!

Rock your day!

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