Pocketful of Moxie is looking for articles by female writers of all types for true life stories, reflections on journeys past, and intentions for positive futures.  In particular, Pocketful of Moxie is seeking stories about growing up female, relationship lessons, life and finances (how to cope and succeed), motherhood, aging, dealing with family, bereavement and loss, life’s journey, goal-setting, and positive ideas to move forward through life.

It’s time to show off your moxie!

Suggestions for publication ideas are always welcome.  For ideas outside of the scope listed above, please submit your article concept/abstract to the editor prior to submission of any actual writing.

It is essential that writers understand that Pocketful of Moxie is a non-fiction women’s magazine, not simply another version of a news stand gossip rag. Pocketful of Moxie  isn’t interested in publishing gloomy stories about social problems, illness and death (although we may print some).

We love humorous writing, too. The more fun, the better!


ALL women across the world are welcome to share their story via Pocketful of Moxie.

We at Pocketful of Moxie believe that no matter how different our lives might appear,  there is a perspective inside every woman’s story that can bring value to another.

Know of an inspirational woman who deserves the spotlight to share her story? We’d love to hear from you too.


Submissions should be sent as a Word document attached to an email to editor@pocketfulofmoxie.com.  Please use separate emails per article submission.

  • Word Count:  Ideal articles will be 500 – 800 words. Maximum 1,500. 

    Please submit article concept/abstract for articles longer than 1,500 words, prior to submitting any article.

  • Format:  Will only accept articles in .doc format.  12-pt Times New Roman font. Double-spaced, please. :-)

  • Original stories only.

  • Original photography only. Include full credit to photographers.

  • Poorly proofread submissions will be rejected. Please do your best to submit articles with a good command of grammar.

Join us on our OWN journey!  

Pocketful of Moxie is a brand new venture. As we work together to produce an amazing e-zine, we appreciate your support, sharing and stories. 

Over time advertisers will be secured – we’re just really interested in what YOU have to say.

We look forward to hearing your story.

Visit: A Pocketful of Moxie