Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Chakra Clearing & Balancing

In case there was any doubt, I love exploring wellness. Thankfully I live in the age of the world wide web and can access tonnes of information whenever I feel like it. Day, night, noon - I can sit, surf and learn. The internet can be like school if you don't get too caught up posting pictures of cats all day long.....am I right?

So, one of the places I like to hang out is YouTube. Type in any old thing and you're bound to find an interesting video posted about it. I feel like I'm settling in and viewing something that will really help me shape my life for the better. Sure, I can spend days and weeks laughing at silly animal bloopers, and sometimes I do - but my focus is on learning.

The information is there - soak up the good stuff!

In my searches I've found so many terrific posts, and I thought I'd share this one by 'MeditationsforMoms' - also known as Lisa Beachy. She is a spiritual intuitive and she has posted a really relaxing video for Chakra clearing, healing and balancing. All that in 13:41!

I sit through this video every second day, in the mornings. It helps me focus, start my day in a non-chaotic way. It really sets the tone for whatever comes next.

OK - enough chatter. I know you're itchin' to try it yourself. Let me know how it goes!

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