Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Food Experiment #1: Processed Cheese Stick Terror!!

When cheese sticks first hit the scene, I was very into trying them. Once I did, I was in love. If you've had one, you probably really enjoyed them too. Maybe not.

These little cheese injected tubes of......what the heck are they anyway? Breaded cheese? How do they stay together? has been years since I've laid a finger on one of these bad boys, but the other day an opportunity arose.

I was cleaning out a freezer and stuck way at the back was a small bag containing 5 frozen cheese sticks.

As I've mentioned, I used to love these so it is no wonder how they managed to find their way there.

They were a little freezer burnt, and I was about to toss them out, but instead thought of an excellent experiment! I believe the instructions are to deep fry them - something I wasn't about to do - when a pile of questions arose. I shrugged them off - we weren't eating these - and into the oven they went.

What? They're not made for the oven? I realize that but what happened to them next was enough to turn any cheese stick lover green.

We checked the oven after about 15 minutes. This is what we saw;

Not exactly as pictured above is it? Pale, disgusting looking puffballs of........of....well we still don't know what that stuff really is!

3 of these little...things....contain over 500 mg of sodium, 14g of fat and 25 mg of cholesterol. If that glistening sheen on the overcooked...(is that cheese?)...part of the treat is edible at this point I'd be surprised.

Our dogs wouldn't eat these. Literally. Trashed!

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