Friday, 22 February 2013

Takin' the Long Way Around

Friday - the beginning, if you're lucky, of a two day 'unwind.' Are you ready?? I wasn't sure how to catapult myself into the weekend, but music is always a great way to find inspiration - and that's exactly what I did this morning.

I found a playlist of my favorite stuff. It's nothing that anyone else has influenced (unless you were the artist). Some of it would be considered' giggle-worthy' but the list belongs to no one but me. It's personal. Each song means something to me. A moment in time that captured my attention through energy, feeling, vibration (as music tends to be) and timing. It really is fascinating to explore why the choices we have in music exist to begin with.

What 'strikes the chord' in us so to speak? Again, it's personal.

I was going through my list of great songs - and one country tune flung itself to the forefront of my mind. One song - that encapsulates my life to this point. That's a tough one - I've been through some stuff and although many songs touch on portions of the journey, no one defined it like this one.

"The Long Way Around."

If you don't know the controversy behind the Dixie Chicks and the subsequent album they wrote, no worries. It's over. Let the music speak for itself. This song struck me at a time in my life when I was literally at the major crossroads in my world. Decisions had to be made - and I despised making them. What if I was wrong? I was always wrong! What if.....What if......

When I realized it was far worse to stand there 'what if'ing than it was to get up and move forward, things got easier. I look back at this song and draw power from it. My power. My discovery. My new changes thanks to decisions I made to keep going.

Find the music that makes you want to be better. Explore the magic music creates in your life. I may always take the long way around, but at least I get there eventually.

Have a great weekend!

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