Sunday 29 September 2013

Got Stress?

It's SUNDAY! The day of rest as they (whoever 'they' are) call it. I choose to rest whenever given the opportunity - but make no mistake - lazy I am not. Resting is a way of recharging the self - a regeneration like plugging in the batteries. Too many of us go-go-go-go and never stop to see where we actually are.

I just choose to avoid stress and stressful situations where possible - it is really that simple.

This blog post is an oldie - but a goodie. Enjoy!

There are a bazillion stress management techniques out there in that big old stress filled world. It's up to us to find ones that work for us - yet don't land us in prison for any length of time because we snapped and went too far. We are responsible for our own 'stress.'

I still find it so interesting that I could ask anyone on the street today to go out and find me a bucket of stress. A box....heck, an envelope...even a handful of stress is impossible to bring back to me. No one would come back with anything.......we can't see what stress looks like - although some would reply, 'Oh yeah? I look in the mirror and see stress....'

I found new, hilarious ways to deal with stress - ways normal (what....?) folks like us will love.

The first one is of Karyn Buxman. She is a motivational speaker, but this clip inspired me to share - hilarious stuff!

This next gal made me laugh for the full 12 minutes the clip lasted.
Her simple message had me rolling on the floor....'You're only here to distract yourself 'til you die.'

True, right?

I loved these two women.....

Leave your thoughts in the comments section.

Rock your day!

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