People take pills for it, others carry it between their shoulder blades for years and then become ill, and there are still others that talk about how busy they are constantly and always look like they just drank six pots of coffee.
We thrive on doing, creating, interacting. When we don't do those things, we start to fade. Fears climb aboard and then we're really in for a ride!
Yet 'stress' doesn't exist.
Did you catch that? It DOES NOT EXIST.
Wayne Dyer, self development guru said it best, "If I asked you to go out and bring me back a bucket of stress, you couldn't do it."
Think about that.......we couldn't even bring back a handful of stress. Why not?
Stress is something that is only created out of thinking about it. It isn't something we can hold in our hands or load into the car on the way to work, yet it kills more of us than anything else?
We need to re-think stress - and I mean that literally. When we begin to create hurt in our own lives through simple thoughts repeated and believed constantly - we're going in the wrong direction.
There are tonnes of ways to de-stress, de-compress and relax after a long productive day. The catch is that if we aren't having a productive day, that may very well be the reason we're feeling stress..
We thrive on doing, creating, interacting. When we don't do those things, we start to fade. Fears climb aboard and then we're really in for a ride!
We get so 'busy' working on other projects that we forget the most important one - ourselves. There will be no projects to do if we aren't there to do them, so focusing on ensuring we are all in a place where we can function and still feel good is crucial.
I mentioned the many ways of releasing stress. Some really simple, cost-free examples are listening to your favorite music (crank it!), going for a walk (force yourself), talking to a confidante, writing, painting, playing with our pets (this is a great one!) or reading and learning something new.
I've asked others why it is so difficult for us to do these things when it is so important to our wellness. The one answer I got the most was, 'because no one will pay you to do those things.' This being true doesn't change the fact that it is crucial for well being. One evening without a television, surrounded by paints or loved ones and a board games is going to change minds if we just try it.
Unpack the stress suitcases and let's get moving forward!
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